Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lamb Soup

To stir things up in life a bit, and to satisfy my cravings, we made lamb for thanksgiving. When all of it was gone i made this soup.

1 leg of Lamb with meat remnants
2 carrots
2 onions, 1 whole, 1 chopped
bunch of kale
1 chopped portabella mushroom, or other type
3 cloves garlic
2 lg bay leaves
1 tsp thyme
2 tsp sea salt
1 chicken boullion cube
1/2 cup lentils, any kind
1 cup brown rice, coked separately

Boil the bone in enough water to cover it. Add garlic, bay leaves, thyme, salt, boullion, carrots and one onion. I probably cooked it at least an hour. I tend to loose track of time in the kitchen. So I would say taste the broth and see if it has developed a well rounded flavor.

In another small pot, boil the lentils in some water and a pinch of salt. After it boils, simmer for 5-8 minutes. turn off and pour off most of the water. add lentils to the pot with bone.

Add kale and cook down until tender. taste again...adding more salt if desired. when it's all tender and tasting pretty good, take out the boiled onion and add chopped onion and portabella. Take out the carrots and chop them, put back in. if they are flavorless replace with fresh ones. Sometimes they survive, sometimes not. Take out the bone and cut off all remaining meat add to soup.

Serve with brown rice.

If you're wondering how I cooked the lamb for thanksgiving here you go...

the lamb was about 4.25lb
I marinated it over night by melting 2 tbsp of butter and mixed it with 2 tbsp olive oil, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 2 large sprigs of fresh rosemary and 2 tbsp +- dried thyme, fresh cracked black (pepper). mix it all together and rub and massage that leg like it's your partner. Poke a bunch of small holes in it like it wasn't your partner and kepp rubbing the marinade all over.

preheat to 450 F put it in the oven for about 20 min then turn down the temperature to 325-350 depending on your oven. It took about 3 hours to finish cooking. When you take it out...LET IT REST FOR ABOUT 10-15 MINUTES!!!!! You'll thank me later after you eat really tender, juicy meat.

Cheers to all lambaterians!

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